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Cover Image for Agent Spec

Agent Spec

This specification outlines the core principles, capabilities, interaction patterns, and governance structures for autonomous AI agents. The goal is to establish a comprehensive framework for developing agents that are safe, ethical, transparent, and aligned with individual user goals while operating within the boundaries set by their owners and society at large.

Cover Image for What is .agent file format ?

What is .agent file format ?

Building upon our vision for AI agents, which we introduced in Part 1, we are thrilled to present the next step in revolutionizing AI agent development: the .agent file format

Cover Image for Why Doesn’t AI Get Me? Traditional RAG vs Agentic RAG

Why Doesn’t AI Get Me? Traditional RAG vs Agentic RAG

Imagine this: You ask your AI assistant for a recipe, excited to try something new. But instead, you get a generic list of ingredients with no guidance. Frustrated, right? You’re not alone. A recent study found that 72% of users find current AI assistants unhelpful because they struggle to understand our nuances and complexities.

Cover Image for Explaining LLM Model Weights to 10 year old(LLaMA and Vicuna)

Explaining LLM Model Weights to 10 year old(LLaMA and Vicuna)

LLaMA and Vicuna are like two smart robots that can talk and write like humans. They are made of something called a “neural network,” which sounds fancy but it just means they have a lot of tiny parts that work together to make choices. These choices help the robots figure out and create sentences based on the words they see.

Cover Image for Key Concepts Of Generative AI. explained to a 12 year old

Key Concepts Of Generative AI. explained to a 12 year old

How do you teach a robot to speak and understand human language. This robot’s brain is made up of a complex network, similar to how our brains are made up of neurons. This complex network is called a neural network. To make the robot learn, you need to adjust its settings or “knobs” called parameters.

Cover Image for Langchain explained to a 10 year old

Langchain explained to a 10 year old

Langchain is a framework for developing applications powered by language models. A framework is a set of tools and guidelines that help you create something faster and easier. An application is a software program that performs a specific function or task.

Cover Image for GPT 3.5 vs Your own model {cost difference}

GPT 3.5 vs Your own model {cost difference}

A rough cost estimate for fine-tuning an open source LLM with your company data vs OpenAI GPT-3.5 depends on several factors, such as:

Cover Image for Do computers really learn? or are they just pretending ?

Do computers really learn? or are they just pretending ?

You probably know that algorithms are like recipes or instructions that tell a computer what to do. But sometimes, algorithms need to learn from data or feedback to do their job better. For example, an algorithm that recommends movies to you might learn from your ratings and preferences to suggest movies that you’ll like more.

Cover Image for Why ChatGPT has word limit?

Why ChatGPT has word limit?

ChatGPT has a word limit of 4,000 tokens, which is around 8,000 words. That’s a lot of words, but not enough. The reason for this limit is due to it’s implementation, which has a context limit of around 4,096 tokens.

Cover Image for 12 ChatGPT Secret Codes to access the hidden features

12 ChatGPT Secret Codes to access the hidden features

The secret codes might behave little differently depending on which version of ChatGPT you are using . It will also work with chatbots using GPT API. Let me know if you try another chatbot besides ChatGPT. There might be some that don’t work. But it would be fun to try them out.