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What is .agent file format ?

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Part 1— https://blog.dotagent.ai/agent-spec-1c61700f756b

Building upon our vision for AI agents, which we introduced in Part 1, we are thrilled to present the next step in revolutionizing AI agent development: the .agent file format. As the AI landscape continues to evolve at a breakneck pace, developers and researchers face the challenge of efficiently creating, sharing, and deploying AI agents across diverse platforms and environments. The .agent file format aims to address this challenge head-on by providing a standardized and streamlined approach to AI agent development and deployment.

The Challenge

As AI agents become more complex and versatile, developers face several challenges:

  • Environment Configuration: Setting up the correct environment for an AI agent, including dependencies, runtime settings, and hardware requirements, can be a time-consuming and error-prone process.
  • Portability: Ensuring that an agent can run consistently across different platforms and cloud environments is often difficult due to varying system configurations.
  • Interoperability: Enabling agents to communicate and work together, or integrate with existing systems, requires standardized interfaces and protocols.
  • Governance and Compliance: As AI agents become more powerful, there’s an increasing need to define and enforce constraints, ensuring ethical and legal compliance.
  • Reproducibility: Recreating the exact environment and configuration for an AI agent is crucial for debugging, testing, and scientific reproducibility.

The .agent file format addresses these challenges by providing a standardized, easy-to-use configuration system for AI agents.

Introducing the .agent File Format

The .agent file format is a YAML-based specification that defines all aspects of an AI agent, from its runtime environment to its behavior, capabilities, and governance rules. It draws inspiration from container configuration formats like Dockerfile, but is specifically tailored for the unique needs of AI agents.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Configuration: Defines everything needed to run an agent, including system dependencies, Python packages, and custom setup scripts.
  • Component-based Architecture: Supports modular agent designs with configurable components for language models, memory systems, and tools.
  • Flexible Predictor System: Allows for custom Python code to define the agent’s core behavior and additional components.
  • Integrated Tool Support: Easily configure and manage external tools and APIs that the agent can use.
  • Memory Management: Configure different types of memory systems to suit the agent’s needs.
  • Governance and Constraints: Define ethical and operational constraints directly in the configuration.
  • Interoperability: Specify supported protocols and API formats for seamless integration.
  • Environment Variables: Securely manage sensitive configuration data.

Structure of a .agent File

Let’s take a look at the structure of a .agent file:

version: "4.0"
  gpu: true
    - "libgl1-mesa-glx"
    - "libglib2.0-0"
  python_version: "3.10"
    - "torch==2.0.0"
    - "transformers==4.28.1"
    - "langchain==0.0.167"
  custom_setup_script: "setup.sh"
  name: "AdvancedAssistantAgent"
  version: "2.0.0"
  description: "A versatile AI assistant with advanced reasoning capabilities"
  type: "assistant"
    - "natural language understanding"
    - "multi-step reasoning"
    - "tool use"
  - name: "language_model"
    type: "llm"
      model: "gpt-4"
      max_tokens: 2000
  - name: "embedding_model"
    type: "embedding"
      model: "text-embedding-ada-002"
  main: "agent.py:AdvancedAgentPredictor"
    - name: "reasoning_engine"
      path: "reasoning.py:ReasoningEngine"
  type: "vector-store"
    backend: "faiss"
    dimension: 1536
  - name: "web_search"
    type: "search-engine"
      api_key: ${SEARCH_API_KEY}
  - name: "calculator"
    type: "python-repl"
      allowed_modules: ["math", "numpy"]
  - "No access to external networks except through provided tools"
  - "Cannot modify system files"
  owner: "AI Research Lab, Inc."
    - "GDPR"
    - "CCPA"
    level: "info"
    storage: "s3://agent-logs/"
    - "agent-protocol v1"
    type: "rest"
    spec: "openapi.yaml"
  - name: SEARCH_API_KEY
    value: ${SEARCH_API_KEY}

This configuration file defines every aspect of the AI agent, from its runtime environment to its behavior and constraints.

Using .agent Files

To use a .agent file, you would typically follow these steps:

  • Create your .agent file defining your agent's configuration.

  • Implement your agent’s behavior in Python files (e.g., agent.py, reasoning.py).

  • Use a compatible build tool to create a deployable container:

    $ agent build -t advanced-assistant-agent
    --> Building Docker image...
    --> Built advanced-assistant-agent:latest
  • Deploy and run your agent:

    $ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 advanced-assistant-agent
  • Interact with your agent via its API:

    $ curl <http://localhost:5000/predictions> -X POST \\
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
        -d '{"task": "Analyze this stock", "context": {"symbol": "AAPL"}, "history": [...]}'

Benefits of the .agent Format

  • Standardization: Provides a common language for defining AI agents, making it easier to share, collaborate, and reproduce results.
  • Portability: Agents defined with .agent files can be easily moved between different environments and platforms.
  • Modularity: The component-based architecture allows for easy reuse and combination of different agent modules.
  • Governance: Built-in support for defining constraints and compliance requirements ensures responsible AI development.
  • Ease of Use: Simplifies the process of configuring and deploying complex AI agents, reducing development time and potential errors.
  • Interoperability: Standardized protocol and API definitions facilitate integration with other systems and inter-agent communication.


The .agent file format represents a significant step forward in standardizing and simplifying AI agent development and deployment. By providing a comprehensive, yet flexible, configuration system, it addresses many of the challenges faced by AI developers today.

As the AI field continues to advance, we anticipate that the .agent format will evolve to meet new needs and incorporate emerging best practices. We invite the AI community to explore this new format, provide feedback, and contribute to its development.

By adopting the .agent file format, we can create a more interoperable, reproducible, and manageable ecosystem of AI agents, accelerating progress in this exciting field.

Stay tuned for more detailed documentation, tutorials, and tools supporting the .agent file format.